Fatty Fatty Boom-ba-latty

May 24, 2010 at 10:11 am | Posted in blogging, Uncategorized | 2 Comments
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First, I should address the fact that it has been forever and a day since I have posted anything here. My excuse? FACEBOOK.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Facebook since it allows me to stay in touch with friends and family all over the country and some even in other countries. No long distance bills! The downside is, it is so much easier to post a line about what I’m doing at the moment than to log in here, think for half a minute and write about what is on my mind. And the longer I neglect this site, the more guilty I feel, and the more guilty I feel, the more fabulous I think my ‘come back’ post will need to be. Silly, I know.

So I’m just going to add a post and pretend like any readers here are also on Facebook, reading my every post and are totally up to date with what is going on with me. (sorry)

Since I was low on time recently, I wrote a post on a scrap of paper and left it for later. It is now later. So I will just type it in here—-


So here’s the thing- I recently discovered that I am a big fat pig. This is relative of course. I used to be bigger. Quite a bit bigger. When I was several sizes larger that I am now, I thought of myself as “chubby”. Even at my chubbiest though, I never thought of myself with that derogatory word, “fat”. But when I look at photos of myself from that time period A-OOOO-GA! CHUB-O!

But back to the present….

I was a size 8 and occasionally, when all digestive funtions were working well, a size 6.

Now, I am not. My jeans LITERALLY hurt me after a few hours when I wear my size 8’s. So now I am wearing a 10. Is it healthy to define yourself by a size number? No, of course not.

Do I? Yes. Yes, I do.

Soooooo…..I got a dog. I didn’t get a dog JUST because of the whole fatso thing. But the idea of a creature that would demand that I take it on a walk for it’s own health and well-being was very attractive.

In truth, I’ve wanted a dog since I was a kid. Okay, to be honest, “kid-ish” would be a more appropriate term. I had dogs growing up. When I moved out on my own, I got a very tiny puppy who cried all night for a week and caused me to go nearly insane with sleep deprivation. I gave him back.

Later, I got a Maine Coon cat who acts like a very priveledged dog….except for the whole giving affection thing. No affection. Soooo not a dog.

But a couple of weeks ago (now over a month) I FINALLY got a dog. I’ve been walking him for about 30-40 minutes a day. Unfortunately, no miraculous weight loss has yet occurred.


Doing less ….and proud of it!

September 26, 2009 at 4:55 pm | Posted in Day to Day Musings | Leave a comment
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I’ve been really proud of myself lately…..for doing less.

Okay, your first response is likely “okayyyy, she is proud of being lazy. What a quality human being.” (But only if you are as sarcastic as I am.)

So here is the deal. I’ve been so addicted to being online lately — spending lots and lots of time, mostly on facebook. I update my status, check up on the status changes of my friends, play a turn in each of my scrabble games (20 or so?), do stuff in my various facebook games and blamo, seven hours have gone by. I really hate that. Seven hours with nothing to show for it.

And I’m STILL procrastinating when it comes to getting to work on some art. (I was going to break out my GOCCO and whip up some invitations for the clothes swap for my friends that don’t have email. It is next Sunday and that still hasn’t happened.)

I keep thinking that I will have permission to do some art as soon as the house is clean. The laundry is ALMOST done. The dishes are close to being done. But neither really gets completed. EVER. So I never get to working on any of my art projects…..or my other ‘projects’ around the house either. My pantry is still all torn apart from my reorganization project there. The baskets are in place with labels. But there are still a couple dozen cans and containers strewn about on the pantry floor and stacked up, blocking the microwave. I really should get back to that.

So anyhow, I have been successful at NOT logging into facebook for a day or two here and there. I’ve been skipping days. Which, to me, is total success! Unfortunately, with the new tv season starting, I’ve been spending more time crashed out on the couch, watching stuff that I’ve recorded on the DVR. Not really a success story.

But tomorrow is another day, right???

Speaking of days, I got the coolest journal the other day. It is a five year journal. Each page is marked with a date and blank where the year should go. The idea is, you write one line or so each day and then as time passes, you can compare what you were up to during that same time period the year or years before. Now, given my history with journals, I don’t have complete confidence that I will maintain this journal. But the idea that you are only required to write ONE SINGLE line each day doesn’t seem so overwhelming. And the funny thing is, I can’t seem to keep myself from writing as much as will fit into the tiny space in the tiniest writing I can do….so I end up writing quite a bit more than a single line. Kinda like I’m outsmarting my procrastinating self. *smirk*

Anyhoo….we went apple picking today at the Thompson’s Orchard here in New Gloucester. By a half hour into it, we were all shedding our sweaters and sweatshirts because the sun was shining and it was starting to get really warm. Of course, Susan and I were also sweating from carrying all the bags of apples. One by one, the girls filled them up until they were just too heavy and awkward for them to handle and they handed them off to us.

It was SUCH a great day for it. I’m so glad Susan thought of it. And since it was completely spontaneous, I didn’t have to spend any time dreading running out of energy before we could go like I usually do when I know there is an event coming up within a few days. I end up exhausting myself before the event even happens. (THAT is how much a dread deadlines these days…I am so much more neurotic than I ever used to be —- and that is saying something.)

So now you are pretty much up to date on what is going on over in my little corner or the world. Oh yeah, I forgot– I still owe a couple friends circle journey books. I have no excuse. They send letters and postcards and emails reminding me and I keep forgetting. Sorry, ladies. And you friends who haven’t returned the circle journey books TO ME in a few years. SHAME ON YOU!! LOG OFF RIGHT NOW AND GO FIND IT!!! I mean it! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE !!!!

Oh yeah, one more tid bit….a brother has been stripping the paint off of the front porch and one side of the house and is going to start repainting it. It already looks soooo much better! Wait till you see it!

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